Saturday, September 11, 2010


Raya is always a great thing to celebrate. I love the feeling when you know that tomorrow is raya and today is the last day of puasa. It is a really nice feeling with the takbir raya and of course, the hectic situation where everyone is busy cooking, baking cookies and do all sorts of things. And then at night, we'll play fireworks and everything. It was a good feeling. And when I wake up the next morning, I will feel excited due to the fact that I'm not fasting anymore and it's Raya. It is awesome. I love the feeling when we have to susun the kuih raya in the Tupperware and preparing for everything. Wearing new clothes for Raya is nice too and when we receive the 'duit raya'. It is awesome.

I love this feelings. How I hope this years celebration won't feel so fast. Everything seems to be in a fast mode. I don't know why. I love the fact that my friends came this year during Raya to celebrate Raya together. And I love it when the cousins all come together and we start cracking jokes. It is a good memory.Every year, I will feel sad that the first day of Raya is over but this year, I feel a bit worse because I was looking forward for Raya so much that when it ends, it feels empty. And the fact that Trials is coming is making everything worst. Let's just hope next year Raya will be a better one and no Trials or some other weird exams making my Raya a bad Raya.

So now back to studying and eating kuih Raya. And please remind me to eat less. Cause I should stop and start with my diet. I don't want any more complications. Hmmm...

But before I end this post, I shall give a shout out to everybody who is reading my blog,


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