Monday, October 4, 2010

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho

Firstly, don't freak out and thing that I got a girlfriend named Gumiho. That is so weird in so many ways. It's actually a drama which is twisted, awesome, makes you don't sleep at night, makes you forget about the world you're living in and make you cry like freaking mad. I'm writing this post because viikii is taking forever to just load a segment. How the heck am I gonna survive this.

So I've been watching 14 episodes of the drama and I love this drama. Because it's different. When something happens, I always thought that it will be like any other drama but no, it's awesomer because it's unpredictable. And did I tell you that it revolves around mythical creature. Like WHAT! AWESOME! I know I sound pretty drunk here but it's just the story. If you watch it, you'll be like me. I only sleep for 2 hours last night but I can survive today because it's the power of DRAMA. The awesome feeling when you watch a drama. I love it.

That's all for now because I think it's loading now. :D

Saturday, September 11, 2010


You know, it's hard to study. There's always distractions. You tend to do things when you are studying. For example, I'm studying and then, there's a small part of me will be curious about something so simple that I ended up googling it or wikipedia it. People call it procrastinating but what I call it is short attention time span. It's like you can only concentrate that much for a certain time only. After that time span is over, you'll be like, "Why don't I check on this thing?"

It's extremely annoying because well, it's just annoying. You can't study and you can't do anything about it. You will be so curious or interested in that thing until it's hard for you to study. I'm sure you know this feeling. And I'm sure it's very annoying to you too. For example, this is an example of procrastinating. I was like "Why don't I study now..." And then, this. What's this?

It's like suddenly, a 'brilliant' idea came and you'll be like so damn excited to do it. This is an example to it.

One fact about me, btw. I always think about stuff like deep stuff. And I'm like "Whoa! It's a discovery. I bet nobody is as smart as I am to think about this stuff" But guess what. Everyone thinks about this kind of stuff and I'm just one of them. Normal. It's annoyingly hard to stand up as an individual and not to do something everyone does. It's like if you do something differently, you'll be weird. I want to be weird but I guess, I'm too normal to be weird. I bet all the weirdos who reads this will be jealous.

I'm smiling right now because my last statement is so stupid. I'm turning stupider. A bad sign indeed. Especially when it's so near my exams. :( But whatever, dudes. Haha.

Btw, please leave comments in the C-Box because I feel dumb to update a blog without people reading it. Even if you don't know what to say, just say this. "Nice blog" or "Interesting post". Trust me, I'll be so happy and you SHOULD be happy that you've just made my day. Good job to the people who did that! :D

That's all for now. And if you see another update, leave something like this "GO STUDY!!!!" at my C-box. I'll be happier. Haha.


Well since I love 2ne1 so ever much, I will post their MV here in my blog. Haha. There's two for now and another one tomorrow. Enjoy~



ENJOY~ And btw, I'm gonna put it at the side so that everyone will watch it. Haha.


Raya is always a great thing to celebrate. I love the feeling when you know that tomorrow is raya and today is the last day of puasa. It is a really nice feeling with the takbir raya and of course, the hectic situation where everyone is busy cooking, baking cookies and do all sorts of things. And then at night, we'll play fireworks and everything. It was a good feeling. And when I wake up the next morning, I will feel excited due to the fact that I'm not fasting anymore and it's Raya. It is awesome. I love the feeling when we have to susun the kuih raya in the Tupperware and preparing for everything. Wearing new clothes for Raya is nice too and when we receive the 'duit raya'. It is awesome.

I love this feelings. How I hope this years celebration won't feel so fast. Everything seems to be in a fast mode. I don't know why. I love the fact that my friends came this year during Raya to celebrate Raya together. And I love it when the cousins all come together and we start cracking jokes. It is a good memory.Every year, I will feel sad that the first day of Raya is over but this year, I feel a bit worse because I was looking forward for Raya so much that when it ends, it feels empty. And the fact that Trials is coming is making everything worst. Let's just hope next year Raya will be a better one and no Trials or some other weird exams making my Raya a bad Raya.

So now back to studying and eating kuih Raya. And please remind me to eat less. Cause I should stop and start with my diet. I don't want any more complications. Hmmm...

But before I end this post, I shall give a shout out to everybody who is reading my blog,


Monday, September 6, 2010


If you follow me on twitter, you'll realized that I like/ LOVE to kill ants that is walking on my table. But I stumbled on something so touching. I was like AWWW...

Well, a few minutes ago, I killed an ant who was walking on my table. Then after a while I realized that another ant which is bigger took the body of the ant that I killed and carry it and bring it away from me. It seems as if the bigger ant is the father and tried to carry his son's body away and trying to protect it.

It seems that even a small ant is capable of loving its son and carries it to safety although it's already dead. Well, why can't ALL human do that. If a small animal do that, why can't we, god's greatest creation do such a simple thing. I wonder...

But I killed the father anyways because I HATE ANTS. Now the father can be dead with its son. :D

Monday, August 30, 2010


I've just realized that sleeping is nice but I don't like the after feeling of sleeping. If you don't have enough sleep, then you will feel so tired and you will want to sleep back obviously. That is a feeling I hate because I have to go through this every weekdays. Like seriously. But another feeling that I hate is when I overslept. Like after I sleep for 10 hours or 12 hours. If I sleep more than 10 hours, it will make me feel so tired. It will be so tiring and my mouth will taste really bad. It is seriously not a good feeling.

So seriously, how when will I get a nice sleep like when you wake up, I'll be like, "Wow. That's refreshing," I really want to get that kind of sleep. Hmmm...

And another topic of sleep is obviously about dream. Do you know that I will dream about something if I sleep pass 8.00 in the morning or in another word after 8 hours have pass. Why? I don't know why. It's just that, when I don't get enough sleep, I'll just get a dark dream or a dream that I can't remember. So yea~ How can I get a nice dream everytime? hmm.. On the other hand, if I get like a really good dream, I will be like so refreshed and happy. I don't know why.

This post is like a short segment of about me because it is so random. But I was thinking about this issue for a long time already and I actually want to let it out once in a while. :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

210 000

Whoever actually hit the 210,000 for my blog's hit count, please leave me a message. So I know that you're the AWESOME person who check my blog and lucky enough to be the 210,000.

Btw, puasa is in a few days so I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Muslims who are fasting SELAMAT BERPUASA!

There will be Sunshine

I think I've been thinking too much nowadays. I should ENJOY my life right now and not think about such trivial matters. Well, I know what a start to my blog post but I just feel like saying (typing) it out. You know, to let it out. So school have been, well, school. I think it's 105 more days to SPM and 41 days to Trials. Someone KILL ME! It feels so near yet so far.

The amount of homework that the teachers gave us doesn't allow me to study. However, I think that's the reason I'm holding onto because I don't feel like studying at all. I feel like holiday. I want A holiday. I mean, there's gonna be two weeks of holidays like in another 2 weeks but that holiday is not counted. Why? Well, because when school re-opens, there's TRIALS. Basically the holiday is like a study-leave. So yea~

Well, remember there's this one post saying that I'll miss FMA Brotherhood once it ends. Actually I do. I miss watching Edward and Alphonso every Tuesday. I miss feeling touched by the songs and script of the anime. BUT, luckily Kuroshitsuji II came out and fill up the emptiness in my weekly anime. Kuroshitsuji II is full of surprises and Ciel came back, looking better.

And the twisted plot is AWESOME! New characters are making the anime better than last time. But like before, the producers still made a stupid mistake which is making some episodes totally insignificant. I mean, like FMA Brotherhood, the insignificant episodes are actually made into an OVA (a special episode) but Kuroshitsuji II just made a meaningless BORING episode.

However, I still enjoy it. Like seriously.

Well, I know I haven't been updating my blog for a really long time. I mean, I think I only posted one post per month nowadays. BUT I'll keep it this way because I like to go back and read the past posts. It reminds me about how my life can be interesting and sometimes, very dull. Like when I read, this one post, I was like AWESOME! and when I read another, I was like, "Go find a life GIULETA!"

So yea~ This blog is filled with memories that I love to keep in my mind but since my mind is too occupied with SPM, I have to store it here temporarily.

I just realized that my few lines just told everyone who reads my blog that I read my own posts! How boring can I be! But it's ok because it's my blog. Btw, I'll be back next time so till then...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


You know, I think I'm like a radioactive matter because I'm spontaneous, random and emits radiation. :D Maybe my symbol in the Periodic Table is Gi. That will be awesome.

Have anyone tried the McDonalds, Giuleta Chicken Burger (GCB)? I think, it's specially made for me! :D

Nothing to do. La la la la la~

By the way, "Would you like something to drink?"

Better Together

I love YG Domination because their artist are cool like that. Tonight, I'm gonna watch Romeo X Juliet! My sister just got it from her friend! So yea~

Well, actually I'm doing my BM homework but I think Blogger is much more interesting than BM. Like seriously. I hate writing about novels. That goes for English Literature too. Pn. Azura have been giving us so many exercises with The Pearl that I write the same thing in some question. For example, favourite character, character that you admire the most. The second bad thing about this novels is that only some scenes are significant. I don't know how many times already I write about the Coyotitio got stung by the scorpion scene. It's like the no. 1 scene in the story. The second popular scene will be the Coyotito dying OR when they found the PEARL.

Basically, I'm just ranting in this post! Since this is my blog, I can do whatever I want with it. Anyways, I didn't update my blog for quite sometime already but I don't think I can blog that often now. So after this post, it will take another month to see my new post because well, I prefer tweeting than writing this whole long post. And I'm sure that you guys prefer reading short things compared to this long-winded story like this.

It's like what they like to call, grandfather grandmother story. I find that Alexandra's post about dying is really cool. It's like awesome! And Jac's post about Alexandra's funniest moment was funny too. If you can find the links to their blog, then you should read it!

Let me go to the philosophical part of blogging. You know, actually by blogging, any readers can actually know how your personality are. I know this because I've been reading a few random blogs and I can see how the person's background from just the writing. For example, this girl's English is really bad and call herself HORNY so obviously you know that she is HORNY and her education is BAD. So yea.

Moral of the story, if you want to blog about something, at least put something decent. For example, if you don't know how to blog in English properly, why don't you blog in Chinese. At least, people won't read your blog to laugh at your English. I mean seriously. Do you know how she spell artistic? Well let me show you. Instead of artistic, it turn into artitic! Like what the hell is artitic! And you know that she wants to say artistic because her sentence goes like this.

All his shots are artitic. I love it!

So yea. I know I shouldn't say this but reading the person's blog really make my day. Another funny one is this,

I love my grandma's handmade dumpling.

That's all for today. Let's just hope that I won't post another one next month! It's just boring to do that! If you want to get more updates, follow me on twitter! :D

CeMA 2010 and the rest

Few weeks back, I experienced the most stressful time in my life. It's more stressful than exams. The things that cause a lot of stress to me is of course, CeMA (Cempaka Movie Awards). Why? Well, mainly because there is a lot of thing to do and I was pretty much doing everything. For few weeks, I ignored my homework for CeMA and since it is all done now, I am so happy. It's like a big burden have just been lifted. So, after CeMA we had our Debate, Quiz and Maths Olympiad which was fun. For the first in this year, Beruang actually won something which is Debate. Totally didn't expect that because to tell you the truth, our speaker for the Finals was not that good.

Well, 2 weeks after dateline, we finally had the screening of the CeMA and of course the Big Splash! Let me talk about the CeMA screening first. It was bad because I'm so embarrassed with the movie I produced. Well, this is mainly because the editing was bad, soundtrack was bad and the quality of the camera was bad. For me, everything was bad. However, I may be a bit like that because I've watch it so many times. The night before the screening, I was thinking so much about things like, what if people didn't get scared when watching it or what if people start laughing at it. It was really a bad time and although I didn't act in it, the pressure is there. I'm scared everything will go wrong about my movie.

So after dreading for long hours, I finally watch it at the big screen and guess what, it was NOT that bad. I mean, it's still bad but at least people didn't really laugh at wrong parts and actually screamed. And guess what, Beruang got Best Spine-tingler. BUT it was understandable because all three houses was quite bad. After that, it was the Big Splash! I was not that excited about Big Splash but it was so much fun. It feels good when we all jump in together. Really, a good experience.

After 5 years, I realized that actually Big Splash is awesome. It's a memory that I will remember especially the jumping in together part. That's all for now since Affan is crying.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Love Ya

Well, these past few months have been so busy that I didn't update my blog for so long. Actually the reason I updated this blog is because I love the new background. It is so so nice and beautiful. I mean, blogger have always this ugly formal looking layout. And unlike some people, I hate those HTML things. So that is why am I so happy when I found out that they got new layout.

Let me summarize what happen for last month. Firstly, after the Sports Day, I have my Mid-Year Exams which I did not do so well. Like my dad said, I didn't focus on my studies and it serves me right for getting such bad marks. But for me, I am actually a bit content with my marks because with the amount of effort that I put in, I think my marks is good enough. You know, I have a period of time where I feel so hardworking and that is where I will study a lot. And right after that, I will have this period of time where I just feel lazy to study. And the Mid Year Exams is just the time where I feel really lazy. Even when I study, I do it in front of the television.

In a year, there is always a time where I like to do a certain things. It is like seasons. Like now, I love to watch television and I know all the shows that I'm gonna watch. This is the television season for me. Then there will be a reading book season where I will read like 5 books in a week or something and can't stop myself from buying books. There's also a season for studying where I feel so motivated to study. And not to forget my anime season. This is when I will watch animes like crazy. The times for this seasons varies from years to years. So yea...

After the exams, there's one week of school and then the holiday. The one week of school feels so bad because well, firstly, i got my marks back. Secondly, I don't have the mood at all to study or listen to teachers because at that time, the only thing that came to my mind is 'How should I spend my holiday'. And right after that, during the holidays, I have extra class. That is worst than normal school actually. Although it is shorter, it is more tiring because we have like dozens of period for Chemistry until my butt hurts from sitting on the stool.

And after that, it is my cousins wedding. Weddings are always fun especially when all my uncles, aunties and cousins gather together in one house. A lot of interesting stories will be told and we will work together which is really fun. Well, for the wedding, my sister and I was assigned to make a video (more like a slideshow) for the bride and groom. It was satisfying since I only took like 30 minutes to do it. That is really short for me since I sometimes take at least 2-3 days to make a simple video. So yea...

Now, it is finally a holiday for me. For today, I bake a lot of cookies since I like baking. My hand feels so rough right now btw. And tomorrow will be my television watching day with piano and accounts tuition in between. Ah, i love holiday. Btw, did I mention that I love the World Cup. For some reason, watching football become so interesting for me right now and I can watch the whole 90 minutes of a game. I never do that before so I find it really amusing. So that is all for today! My next post maybe in next month (let's just hope that is not the case!). :D

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Sports Day just ended last Saturday. Well, Beruang got last for March Past and Sports Day. I think, this year is just not Beruang year. However, doing props for 3 weeks is fun. To tell you the truth, I feel stupid for joining marching for the past 4 years because being in props is better than marching. NO need to spent three week under the sun.

I mean, doing props is so much better not just because of the sun but because of the fun things you'll do there. However, I think it is fun because I'm Form 5 so I can choose what I do. So yea. Btw, the chains that we did looks so good! I mean, it's made from rubberband and glitter but it looks so nice!

1 hour classes is so tiring. I don't know why but it feels so long. Exams is in less than 3 weeks. I feel like I am going to die. How can it be so fast. I mean, I thought we took our Mid Sem like a month ago. I can feel the stress but I cannot bring myself to study. It's so hard to start!

Btw, I've just finish watching FMA Brotherhood and OMG, it is so touching! The song, the voice, the scene and the script is so wonderful! It is so deep and nice! Conclusion: FMA Brotherhood is the best Anime ever! 9 more episodes before the Finale! Although I don't want it to end, I want to know the ending. I think I'm going to cry when it ends. Seriously, when it ends, my weekly dosage of pure goodness will stop. At that time, I hope something good like Monoshitsuji comes out,

I know, you'll be like "WTH is Monoshitsuji?" And this is the answer. The sequel or the weirdest sequel to Kuroshitsuji! There will be no Ciel! No Ciel and Sebastian will be sad. I hate the people who make this! But considering the ending of Kuroshitsuji, it's understandable why they make it Monoshitsuji! But I don't mind if they make another new Kuroshitsuji that follows the manga closely because according to some people, the mange is AWESOME!

Gonna start with my Math now! And today, is the rare times where I understand what Pn. Jamaliah is saying. I was like, ":O, I can understand her!" So that's all for this week post. I know April have only like a few post and tomorrow is the last day of April already. I don't like time at all. It's moving to fast! I want it to be slower.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Love Yourself

I am so lazy to do my homework right now and I'm using whatever way to avoid doing homework. Trust me. I've done a few weird things since yesterday to avoid homework. Firstly, I went through at least 30 people's profile and pictures in Facebook. I even read their wall to wall. And then I read some weird things in Wikipedia. And then, I went to Soompi and I commented in every thread I find interesting. Not only that, I went to the Humor Part and look at every picture, video or story there is. And now, I'm looking through Youtube for old and nice vidoes and updating my blog to avoid it. I guess, after this I will read people's twitter.

Now do you see how desperate I am trying to avoid homework. I even volunteered to accompany my brothers swimming. It's so weird. It's like lazy to the max. After writing this much, I realized that at times like this, I don't feel like sleeping. OMG! How stupid am I. I should have use this time to sleep. Whateverlah. I find it more interesting to do this kind of things. Ok, since I've just watch Supernatural and FMA Brotherhood, I'm gonna talk about it.

Supernatural was good. The best part of this episode is the starting. I always love the flashbacks in Supernatural. It is always accompanied by nice old musics that is just right for the flashbacks. Like seriously. And the best line from this episode is this,

Shoot me! But when I come back, I am gonna be really pissed.

Dean, Supernatural Season 5, Episode 16

I know. It doesn't make sense to you but it's quite funny because he died a few times already and he knows that if he dies again, he will come back. I know, from that statement, you're gonna be, what weird and stupid story is she watching. I mean, it sounds stupid but Supernatural just makes everything seems ok. You know what I mean when you watch it. I shall not talk about it anymore because I totally hate the ending. It's not EPIC like I expected. Yes, I like Epic ending for Supernatural. I like endings when Dean said awesome things or something totally unexpected appears and then suddenly, Eric Kripke name appears on the screen.

It makes you anticipate the next episode but somehow I find endings like that nice for Supernatural. You know, something to look forward to in Supernatural.

FMA Brotherhood ended nicely but makes you want more. I cannot get enough of FMA Brotherhood. Like seriously. 25 minutes is not enough for one week. How is it sufficient. Especially at the parts where the Immortal Army is awakened. I hate it when it ends like that but I can wait. It's just another 3 days. Totally can wait. Even if I can't, it's not like I can do anything! Right?

I've also watch Southpark Season 14. It's getting funnier. I mean, it is a bit rated but I find that parts funny. And I like the fact that they're making a lot of parody. I cannot really elaborate about the episodes because it feels weird to type the words so I shall not do that. Sports Rehearsal is starting this Monday. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I mean, it's gonna be fun to have the first three periods not filled with subjects but the not fun part is the sun,the never-ending chants, and the commands. I hate the commands.

But I shall do it for Beruang. :D

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool...

It's April Fool and it's sad that no one fooled me yet. :( Anyways, got something to share. It's quite funny when I read it in Soompi just now. Someone wrote it but I don't know who so credits to whoever the person is. :D

"She's gone."
She left me.
I ran to my car.
As I drive, I prayed.
Please let me see her one more time.
I did a U-turn on the highway.
Suddenly I heard a police siren.
That was when I remembered…
Oh damn, I'm not in some ridiculous Korean drama.

When I first read it, it was so funny! Anyways, that's all for today since I have an Accounts Test to study for tomorrow. And there's a lot of new things are coming out this time. Let's hope I can at least pass this time. Haha. Btw, next week is Sports Practice which is equal to getting super duper darker and super duper tired. And to make things worst, Chem and Physics PEKA is gonna be next week. It will be bad...

And btw again, I am currently watching Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. I've watched the Anime one but now it's the J-Drama one. To tell you one thing, it is extremely funny and it follows the Anime very closely. The fact that they manage to make the girl look almost exactly like the Anime is super cool.

One more thing, I realized that this week is the ending of a lot of shows for example, Animes in Animetake. There's like at least 7 Animes that ended this week. MBLAQ Idol Army is also the final one. This is super duper sad. No Joon anymore...That is all for now. I hope I can fit in some time for my blog but I don't think I can as my homework journal for this week is full. And now, I shall study Accounts! So that is all for now...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Let's Do It!

I actually wanted to put Bang because I'm totally into After School's song, Bang. But, I realized that my sister already put that as her blog post title so I decided to use the intro song for their album, Bang!Well, Games Carnival was last week. It was awesome and it is sad that it's my last Games Carnival. Like seriously. There won't be any Games Carnival after this. The standings are disappointing but I had a lot of fun. And I believe that we did our best.

Now, I am peeling and super duper dark. I'm the same colour as my brother, Adam. Imagine how dark I am now. To make things worst, in another two weeks or a week, we are gonna have Sports Rehearsal. I'm sure I'll get darker, again.Wow! How depressing can that thought be. Besides the change in colour, my whole body aches so bad. My bad hurts and it is just hard to move my legs. It's like Kinabalu all over again. I mean, it's not as bad as Kinabalu but still, the pain is still there.

I need to start with my Lisan now and a few homework. I need to study Chemistry now because apparently, there's gonna be a Topical Test on one of these days. And my Accounts Test is gonna be on next Saturday. How tiring. I need a good rest. Like seriously.

Not to forget the fact that I'm getting my marks for my Mid Semester 1 Exams which means I am gonna die. To tell you the truth, I did quite badly for my papers especially Physics (because I didn't have the mood to do exams already), Sejarah (apparently, Pn. Noor said that I terkeluar topic which means, die!), Chemistry, Biology and well everything else except for Accounts.
That's because I got my Accounts marks already and to tell you the truth, it exceeded my expectation. So that's good for me! That's all for now. I'm gonna watch my FMA Brotherhood Episode 49 now. Oh Yeah! Finally, after waiting for a week, it finally came.

I mean, it was uploaded on Tuesday but because I was too tired everyday after Games Carnival, I decided to watch it during the weekends. So that's why, I am watching it today. And another good thing is Supernatural is finally back with a good episode and it's just a few minutes before I finish downloading it! Double yay for me. And before I end my post, I'm gonna reveal a fact that is so interesting.

For the whole Games Carnival, my brother's friend followed our car and the topic they talk about is so funny. I didn't know guys gossip so much. Like seriously. They kept talking about people and their crushes. It is totally weird to listen to them talking about their crushes and their friends. And the funny thing is that, they like to comment about things like how this girl is so fair that she looks like a geisha, so she is not that pretty. I was sitting there and I was like WTH. But at one point, it is so funny!

So the fact that I'm trying to reveal is that the way they talk is totally immature. Like seriously, I thought guys are into the body and not so much into the skin or face. Haha. That is all for today!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm going crazy because of you

Okay. I am up-to-date with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. One thing I have to say, I regretted the fact that I started watching Ep. 40 yesterday and finish up the 8 episodes on the same day because episode 48 is one of the episodes that stops at the part where you'll be like "NO! Don't stop. I need to know what happen" And the worst part is that there's this 3 minutes preview of the next episode that never reveals what happen to the cliffhanger but they show you some of the cool parts of the next episode. It is so so frustrating. I want to watch it so much but it's not there. And I have to wait one whole week for 25 minutes that I know will make me like this again.

Do you feel sorry to me. I do. And to make things worst, I watch the OVA or known as the Special Episode. The 2 OVA is so good that makes you want to watch more of it. Okay. One thing about Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is that it may seem like it's about people fighting with each other with alchemy (well technically it is) but in every episode, there is a deep meaning and sentimental value. Sometimes there's this nice feeling when you watch the episode. I mean, some episodes, like the one mention above, stops abruptly and makes you crazy but some is just deep and nice.

Like one of the OVA is so nice and the ending is just beautiful. The ending was so touching and the songs add to it. You know what I mean. By the way, while typing this out, I wonder, why am I writing so much about Fullmetal Alchemist when you reader most probably don't know what is Fullmetal Alchemist. Be glad that you don't know about it because I know, if you do, you'll be just like me. Half crazy. I should start to watch another series, like seriously. I'm going crazy!

Before I forgot, God of War 3 is out. Like it's out yesterday. After waiting for so long, it's finally out. And to make things worst, I read someone's twitter that can't stop mentioning about it. I need that game now. It's like super good timing. It came out during the holiday week and next week is Games Carnival, which means I can play for this whole two week. I have decided to buy it tomorrow. It's gonna be expensive but like I care. I love to play God of War and it's like a dream come true. And to make things greater, the graphics and the quality of it is just nice because it is played on PS3.

OMG! I need it like urgently now! I can die from the anticipation. Should I even call it that? Haha. That's all for today. You should really ignore this post but if you read this line already, it means, you finish reading this whole crap.

My apologies if you think you've wasted 5 minutes of your life that you could use for better things. But it's still your fault for reading my blog. Not my fault. =D

What's Hot and Ryhmes with Gay

So glad that he's back without any flab. XD

Monday, March 15, 2010


I developed a new feeling lately. I really really want to watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood BUT I'm scared that it will end so fast if I start watching it now. There's only 48 Episodes until now and I hate to wait and watch one episode per week. It's painful.

Especially if it the episode is a cliffhanger and then you have to wait one week to know what happen. It's really really painful. And in the end, you'll feel disappointed. Wanna know why? Because before the episode actually comes out, you brain will speculate everything that's gonna happen but in the end, it's something so dumb or disappointing.

That's why I hate waiting for Anime shows. A painful wait for a 25 minutes episode. I mean, can't they give a 40 minutes episode like Supernatural. Speaking of Supernatural, it's coming back on the 25th.

And Oh My God, the episode preview just looks good. I love Supernatural. Btw, I AM addicted to games in my iPod. Luckily it didn't happen during the First Mid Semester Exams. Haha.

My theory exams ended today and I feel so relaxed now. I can now watch Petite Couple, Sweet Potato Couple, MBLAQ Idol Army and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood without feeling scared or disturbed. :D Feel so happy for this holiday.

Although there's Chemistry classes, it's only for 2 hours. I think I can still survive for that. Let's just hope he doesn't talk about exams. He usually does. He likes to give hints about who did badly and who did well (well he thinks it is a hint but he usually tells everyone about it). Haha. Typical.

Friday, March 12, 2010


It's so funny how our brain works. It will wake up when it sees something interesting and it will be so tired as if you've done everything in the world when something boring appears. That's what happened to me.

During the exams week, I was so tired and I kept telling myself that I will sleep after school on Friday. But somehow, today, I feel so rejuvenated and instead of sleeping, I did stupid stuff.

So Exams was normal and I can't believe the fact that the exam week is done. It's like I have went through something big! And can you believe it, first mid semester of the year have passed. It's so extremely fast. That means there's three semester of highschool left for me!

Games Carnival is right after the holidays. I don't know if I should be happy or sad because that will be a 'bad' week for me.

And btw, Epik High new album 'Epilogue' was so AWESOME! The songs are the type of songs that I love! And the lyrics are just meaningful and nice. The RUN MV was actually very good. It's like they are trying to say that, Whatever obstacles that you run into, just keep running because life must go on. How deep and nice!

'Run until your hands touch the sky. Run until you lungs are filled up with dreams.'
-Run by Epik High-

And did I mention that 2NE1's Try to Follow Me MV is just genius. It's so different yet interesting. The ever-changing scenes, vibrant colour clothes and weirdness of outfits makes my eyes glued to the screen for the whole 3.41 min. And CL is just hot and gives the coolest vibe ever.

I somehow feel that 2NE1 is not the girl-version of Big Bang but the 4-girl-version of GD! I mean, in Big Bang, only GD will wear the outrageous outfits but in 2NE1, everyone will wear outrageous outfits. And they look cool in it.

Should stop talking about 2NE1. :D And did I mention how ABMSubs uploaded Idol Army at the right time. Ep. 10 here I come! Youtube is laggy now. I hate it when it's laggy. That's all for today! And I forgot to mention, Fullmetal Alchemist, here I come!

SPM results was on Wednesday so,

Be proud of yourselves and let's just hope that I can do as good as you guys did.

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Already?

I cannot believe it. It's March already which means another month short before SPM. How stressful if you think about it like that.

And talk about bad timing, ABMsubs decided to upload the long due Idol Army episodes today. Like are you serious? They're uploading it a day before my exams. And I can't stop myself from watching it when it's uploaded obviously.

This is bad. I've been trying to avoid watching Full Metal Alchemist until Exams are over but another thing came out. It's just bad timing. Seriously.

Oh, did I tell you how I like Joon acting so manly in front of Chun Doong. It's so sweet. It's like they have to go to this haunted house and Chun Doong was so scared, so he's like "Nevermind. I'm here"

I know it's weird for guys to do that to another guy but seriously, it's Joon. Haha. Btw, do you know that it's better to read the comments at some sites than the content. For example, I went to allkpop to read about T-ara and the comments was hilarious.

I should stop babbling about things like that. Now, I have this weird thing. I like to eat plain bread. It's so weird. So that's all. Gonna be studying really hard for Mid Semester Exams. (Yea right) :D

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Swimming Birthday!

Last Friday, we celebrated Audrey Lim and Rachel's birthday. We celebrated it in TGI Fridays in Pavillion. Despite the fact that I have to leave early, I had a great time. It feels so good to go out with them once in a while. Pictures is in Facebook, btw.

Swimming Gala was yesterday. I'm darker now. CILC is extremely big and nice. But somehow, I find it empty. There's no feeling like this is school there. You know what I mean. It's just an extremely big place with nice design, for me.

Beruang got 3rd. I find it not so bad. At least, we're not last. Haha. Well, exams are on their way and my first paper start on Tuesday. So wish me luck! :D Let's just hope I can do well.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Let's get it poppin poppin

Today is a very unproductive day to me. Remember how I mention that I want to wake up early last post. Well, I manage to wake up early today. I woke up at 6.00 a.m. I was so happy and hyped up because for once I can finally experience 'morning' during holidays.

I took my shower straight away to make sure I can stay awake. And did I mention, how good mood I was in this morning. I sound so stupid but somehow, this makes me so excited. So after that, I decided to use my laptop.

However, at 8.00, I feel asleep until 1.15 p.m. It makes me disappointed again because I feel like I've wasted a lot of time sleeping. Moral of the story, I can't satisfy myself. I need someone. Haha.

Lollipop part 2 is nice but somehow something is missing. 2NE1 maybe.

I followed my mom to Hartamas Shopping Center this evening. That was my first time and seriously, it feels weird to not know where things are. Why? Because like Curve, Ikano and the other shopping center near my house, I already keep the layout of the place in my brain. Which means, I know where things are. So going to somewhere new, it feels weird.

Another weird story, I revealed. Btw, did anyone notice that Lollipop Pt. 2 have a lot of Top parts and is deprived of GD-ness. I don't know why, but it seems like it. I bet Audrey LIM must be so sad. Haha.

Gonna sleep now. Btw, I've just realized how busy I'm gonna be when school re-opens. Let me show you.

  • 22nd -25th February - Teacher's last week to finish up syllabus to cover for Mid Sem 1 which means will be very hectic. Finish up all Beruang banners thing for Swimming Gala.
  • 27th February - Swimming Gala.
  • 3 - 4th of March - World Maths Day ( which means I have to do 10 000 question to at least get 20% for my Maths)
  • 5th - 12th March - MID SEMESTER EXAMS
  • 13th March - Think-Con?
  • 15th March - Theory Grade 6 EXAMS!!
  • 15th - 18th March - Chemistry Extra Class.
Seriously, I can die just by looking at it. Sigh. What can I do? Did I mention that I have to take Accounts for Mid Sem 1 and it's all Form 4 and Form 5 Chap 1-3. It's BAD! Bad I tell you.

Haha. That's all for now.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

WTH is Lupin

I've just download Kara's Lupin and let me tell you something, the song is like a woman during PMS. It's like for a while, the beat is like this and in a split second, it turned into another song. It's like split personality.

I know this sounds weird but it feels so boring to stay at home. I'm tired of waking up late everyday. It's like I've wasted a lot of time sleeping. I know, I will regret saying this when school re-opens. And I'm desperately trying to study but I can't. Exams are so near and stupid World Maths Day is obviously on the way.

Oh did I tell you that my mom bought this extremely delicious bread that I like to eat just like that. It taste like Subway's bread. I totally love it! And here's another Danbo picture that I like. I know, it weird of me to put pictures of it but I totally love them. It's so cute!

Crime Scene Investigation of Cereal Box Killer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I don't know what to say. I want to go buy my bottle. I don't know why. And I want to buy this collection of Sharpie just to fill up my stationary drawer. Yes, I have a stationary drawer filled with a lot of stationary for self-satisfaction.

It feels so good to open the drawer and look at the stationary in there. It gives me this satisfaction.

By the way, I love that toy box thingy. It's so extremely cute. As you can see, I already decorated my blog with it which means I like it.

A cup of coffee in the morning taste SO good.

And here's another one. I seriously love it when it's with Starbucks cups because it's just so cute in it.

By the way, where is my MBLAQ weekly updates?!?! I don't see any subbed Idol Army. I want to watch it. And the latest unsubbed episode seem so interesting but it will take forever for them to sub it, I bet.

What happen to the A+? And they call themselves official subbing team. Hmph. :(



Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Eye test.

50 Things YOU can learn from Korean dramas

1) Hot, rich, younger men love fat, older vulgar women.

2) If you have a best guy friend, he is in love with you. And secretly you are too.

3) You and your boyfriend will always playfully chase each other on an ice rink, at the beach, or in the leaves. And you'll laugh for no reason and your boyfriend will hit you "playfully" but the force of his push will have you flying across the room. But it's okay. Cuz you're still laughing like a crazy person.

4) Brothers/cousin/uncles-newphews will always love the same girl.

5) You're allowed to make u-turns wherever you want in Korea. And there is never traffic on the side you want to u-turn to.

6) There is a super quick payment device that allows you to pay a bill quickly enough for a guy to run immediately out of a restaurant after his angry girlfriend storms out.

7) Everyone has cancer.

8) If you're sick, all you need is an IV to make you feel lots better.

9) There is vomit and urine all over Seoul at nights.

10) Fighting at a pojangmacha with a random stranger is merely part of a normal night's event.

11) Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.

12) If you're rich, you're a jerk.

13) If you're poor, you're an angel.

14) Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.

15) You're not studying hard enough unless you get a nosebleed.

16) If you have a nosebleed, you most definitely have cancer. And you have no money to pay for the surgery that will save your life. And your liver is missing. We're not sure where it went, but it's making your cancer progress faster.

17) If you work in a sool jeep, you have massively curly hair and wear flashy colors from the early 90's.

18) You always order orange juice or coffee at a cafe. And you never drink it. EVER.< they drink almost as much as soju

19) You will always call your boyfriend by his job title. Or simply sunbaenim. Never his name. Never. He doesn't have one.

20) If you TRULY love each other, you must die together in the end. Frozen outside instead of finding shelter like sane people. Just frozen....

21) You go to America you come back miraculously successful. You go to England you come back amazingly fashionable. You stay in Korea the only thing that changes is your hairstyle.

22) And if you come back with no apparent reason then it's because you have cancer.

23) Everyone always goes to the same hospital no matter where they are.

24) If you stand out in the rain for more than five minutes, you'll end up with a fever and vertigo and people will rush you to the hospital to get some magic IV. And instead of taking an ambulance or driving they'll race you on their back.

25) Even if you're poor and can't eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.

26) If you play a poor kid, you always have dirt on your face and your hair is always messy.

27) If you're saving someone from being hit from a car, you'll push them out of the way and wait for the car to hit you instead. couldnt be more true, theyre like a deer in headlights

28) Everyone has a long lost sister/brother/twin. Usually one they didn't know about.

29) If you don't want to answer your phone, you can just turn it off. The battery
needs to be taken out.

30) All korean men can drink hard, smoke long, sing well and play piano. Usually all at the same time. And at the same restaurant that has a piano that they let anyone use.

31) If you're in a relationship, you must at one point leave and have your lover tearfully come RIGHT before you board the plane (vice versa applies as well. You can be the chaser). 60% of the time you see each other, the other 40% you're roaming around in circles and pass each other about six times, but miraculously never see them.

32) If you're getting off a plane, you're ALWAYS wearing sunglasses. ALWAYS.

33) All guys wear hideous tracksuits zipped up to their neck. Even if all they're doing is jump roping.

34) Girls will always storm off because they're mad and the guy will stoically grab them by the arm and swing them back- and by magic, not dislocate their shoulders.

35) Guys always look like they're 6 feet tall, even if they're only 5'10. Thank you camera angles.

36) Guys like to wear foundation, eyeliner and sometimes a smudge of lipliner.

37) You always get stuck in an elevator with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Even if there are six different elevators, you'll always be stuck in the same one with that bastard you hate (or just fought with).

38) Unless you're fabulously rich, your in-laws will always hate you

39) So will your sister-in-law.

40) Your brother-in-law might be pining away for you. >

41) There are only 2 ways to kiss. You either press your lips against theirs with your mouth completely shut, and just press away for a very long and uncomfortable time. OR you devour the other person and suck out their soul. In both instances, the world spins.

42) A guy will always get the right size ring, even if you're never held hands.

43) People stare off into space and ponder a lot. They'll just stop in the middle of the road and watch a leaf on a tree for a good three minutes, and just ponder.

44) You'll get pregnant the first time you have sex.

45) You'll get pregnant if he kisses you on the forehead.

46) Hell- you'll get pregnant if you hold hands.

47) If you overcome great obstacles to be together, one of you must die. Probably due to cancer.

48) One korean man can kick the butts of 6 gangstas. Especially when they all stand in a circle and attack the guy one by one. Then when each of them get their butts OWNED, they wise up and attack the guy at the same time. Then the guy will get pulverized and bleed out onto the dusty concrete floor of the empty warehouse they've found to fight in. There will be a fire in a trashcan somewhere. And the girl will have watched this the entire time, screaming in horror. Instead of calling 119, she'll just watch and cry. But it's okay. Cuz the next day the guy will be fine with a few random bandages and a few face scars. But never a black eye.

49) It ain't a real fight unless the gangstas fight dirty with a stick or switchblade.

50) If you study in the states (preferably Harvard), you are one of the top students and can speak perfect English (as assumed by the reactions of those around you). Why the rest of the world OUTSIDE of the TV can't understand a single word uttered out of your melodramatic mouth is beyond me.





Got bored of Tumblr

Truthfully, I got bored of Tumblr. And decided to comeback here.

I finally decide to give some updates. I've just decided that I have NO life. Seriously. Everyday my routine is the same and guess what, I barely go out of my house unless there's tuition or school. Saturday and Sunday is devoted for my anime watching and homework. Tons of it.

To make things worse, exams is near which means I have to study which means I will stay in my room forever. You know, I get bored when people write things like this in their blog but I can't help myself. Why? Because without these things, I don't know what to write in my blog. Now, do you understand how lifeless I am.

On a brighter side, there's this one anime which is totally random and funny. It's called Goodbye Mr. Despair. It was extremely hilarious and random. It's something to watch after finishing a whole load of homework.

Okay since this is my first post in the year of 2010 in here, I will update you guys with my obsessions.

  1. C.N Blue
  2. MBLAQ ( I know, it's a bit wth. But they're hilarious in variety shows)
  3. Animes
  4. Manga (I just started reading some and hey, it's not that bad)
  5. Supernatural (OMG! Michael, Dean and Lucifer is just a good combination. And Castiel, of course)
  6. Petite Couple (they are ADORABLE!)
  7. And many many more.
I can't believe it. I only have 7 obsessions? I guess, I need to check out more things.