This is extremely sad.
I remember it like it was yesterday I wrote bye February.
And then now, I have to say goodbye to March.
March is an extremely extremely hectic month.
With the Mid Semester Exams (which I pretty much don't know what to say)
and of course, the Mid Semester Holiday aka HEAVEN!
I mean, I can't compare it to heaven but in this world, holiday can be counted as Heaven!
So tomorrow is April.
APRIL'S Fool! Haha.
I don't think I can do any trick tomorrow since everyone knows my trick.
The ending note of March is with the House Deco and first day of Games Carnival.
House Deco, BERUANG got second.
Proud of them.
They did a good job and getting second is not that bad.
Because we know that we're gonna with GAMES CARNIVAL!
April is sure a busy month.
So with this, bye MARCH.
And today is BOF last episode.
Bye BOF!
This is extremely sad.
I remember it like it was yesterday I wrote bye February.
And then now, I have to say goodbye to March.
March is an extremely extremely hectic month.
With the Mid Semester Exams (which I pretty much don't know what to say)
and of course, the Mid Semester Holiday aka HEAVEN!
I mean, I can't compare it to heaven but in this world, holiday can be counted as Heaven!
So tomorrow is April.
APRIL'S Fool! Haha.
I don't think I can do any trick tomorrow since everyone knows my trick.
The ending note of March is with the House Deco and first day of Games Carnival.
House Deco, BERUANG got second.
Proud of them.
They did a good job and getting second is not that bad.
Because we know that we're gonna with GAMES CARNIVAL!
April is sure a busy month.
So with this, bye MARCH.
And today is BOF last episode.
Bye BOF!