Monday, August 30, 2010


I've just realized that sleeping is nice but I don't like the after feeling of sleeping. If you don't have enough sleep, then you will feel so tired and you will want to sleep back obviously. That is a feeling I hate because I have to go through this every weekdays. Like seriously. But another feeling that I hate is when I overslept. Like after I sleep for 10 hours or 12 hours. If I sleep more than 10 hours, it will make me feel so tired. It will be so tiring and my mouth will taste really bad. It is seriously not a good feeling.

So seriously, how when will I get a nice sleep like when you wake up, I'll be like, "Wow. That's refreshing," I really want to get that kind of sleep. Hmmm...

And another topic of sleep is obviously about dream. Do you know that I will dream about something if I sleep pass 8.00 in the morning or in another word after 8 hours have pass. Why? I don't know why. It's just that, when I don't get enough sleep, I'll just get a dark dream or a dream that I can't remember. So yea~ How can I get a nice dream everytime? hmm.. On the other hand, if I get like a really good dream, I will be like so refreshed and happy. I don't know why.

This post is like a short segment of about me because it is so random. But I was thinking about this issue for a long time already and I actually want to let it out once in a while. :D

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