Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No One Cries Because They Want To

School have been bleh. So just understand what's coming up in today's post.

One students or maybe two is diagnosed of A(H1N1) which some find very scary but for some reason, I find it funny when some parents actually stop their children from going to school. Of course the kid will find it fun to skip school but I don't think it's necessary. I mean seriously.

I think if you're meant to get it, you'll get it somehow even if you skip school for a long time. What's important is to drink a lot of water, buy two bottles of hand sanitizer, eat a balanced meal which means a lot of fruits and vegetables and just keep your immune system strong. Unlike me, who have a seriously weak immune system, you can't help it to be affected really easily, you can maybe try your best to be healthy. You know what I mean.

So be cool, calm and collected. And one reminder, don't take antiviral because you feel like it because it will make things worst for you when it becomes immune to it. So don't be too smart also. Just stay healthy and stay ALIVE! Haha.

So school have been quite hectic with me since I'm still catching up. Things are not too good for me since I'm always tired. When I say tired, I mean sleepy obviously. I don't know why I'm so lethargic. No bowel movement maybe. Haha.

Do you know I can sleep from 5-7.30. Then at 7.30 I eat and I'll sleep again until morning. Don't you think that's a bit too long. I think so and sometimes it scares me at how I can sleep so long but still didn't get enough. Maybe I got a psychological disorder or something. But whatever.

So I'm trying my best to do everything now and I seriously need a holiday. Unlike someone I know who didn't go to school because he feel sick. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with my brother. So weak for no particular reason.

That's all for today. I just feel like updating. That's why I did!

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