Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fame, Performing Art Weekend

Performing Art Weekend wasn't as bad and lonely as I thought. It was actually VERY fun. I met a lot of new friends and know more about people. At that I time, I don't think it was that bad. Except for the showering part and the toilet part.

You know I only love my toilet. Yes that a new fact about me. So what have I learn from the Weekend. Let me see...

First, stage management is not an easy job according to Pat Gui. According to her, there's a lot of think you need to do and problems to face, but by the end of the day, everything is worth it. According to her, if you're a stage manager, you have to think fast and do a snap decision.

After hearing what she said about it, I don't think I want to be a stage manager. Secondly, I learn all the sound system thingy from Mr. Chong which was fun. I learn a lot about the things such as how to put on a mic on people, the sound system in the hall, all the sound thingy and A LOT MORE.

At some points, I was quite bored with it. Haha. Then I learn about Scenic Design which was very interesting. We were given a task to make a scene based on the script given. It was very complicated and you have to think about every little thing. It was stressful. Luckily there's Audrey. She do all the thinking.

There, I also learn a lot of GAMES. We played a lot of games and it was really fun. The funny part is that me, Alexis and Audrey studied after dinner. Everyone was like, 'What are they doing'

So that's all my weekend. I came back early because there's a 'kenduri' at my house. It was a good kenduri and I think I eat almost everything. I was super duper hungry at that time. So that's all. Now, I'm studying.

I hope that my attention span can last long.

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